5 Technological Areas In Which India Beats Even The Best In The World
5 Technological Areas In Which India Beats Even The Best In The World India is a young developing nation with just 70 years of Independence. However, we are better than the developed countries on several fronts. Yes, we may not have everything that the West has, but we do have several unique things that should make us proud. Here is a list of 6 best aspects that will make every Indian proud. State-of-Art Remote Sensing Capabilities India has long evolved in its remote sensing capabilities and has now become entirely independent of US satellite data. The country has launched 22 remote sensing satellites into space so far and has completed eight satellite missions. 13 of the satellites are still in-service, and India has seen only one crash so far (the PSLV-D1 in 1993) Most Cost-Effective Space Program The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is popular for its cost-effective space missions. The latest was the record launch of 104 satellites in one ...